E-Learning Centre

At Thames Valley College, we have a wealth of ICT facilities that buttresses high quality teaching and learning. This also ensures the smooth running of the school. Considerable time, effort and money has gone into planning our exciting e-learning centre.

The College has a large, dedicated e-learning centre hosting sufficient networked PC’s running windows 8, connected to the college network providing high speed broadband internet access, where Computing lessons take place. The room can be accessed 24 hours daily.

All the computers in the e-learning centre are connected to 3 multi-server stations inside the college server room, where all the activities and running of the systems are being monitored.

We make use of up-to-date variety of language learning software and applications including Microsoft Office, Graphics design software such as Corel Draw and Adobe Photoshop Elements, as well as windows media player are essential to ensure that students are familiar with packages that they will encounter in higher education and the world of work.

The school’s ICT facilities are backed up by a dedicated team of technicians to ensure smooth operations of the school on a daily basis.


